Happy Wednesday. Here's a capsule review (I'm trying to write more concisely these days) about a movie I said I would tell you about...
Bennett Miller’s Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt, was an enjoyable look at what goes on behind the scenes in the world of baseball. I’m still not quite sure what was so radical about the “new way” Pitt’s Billy Beane character selected players, as he just seemed to think outside the box a little more often than his scouts and advisors did, but then I’m not a huge baseball expert. I did enjoy that it was a sports movie that was generous in its subtlety and light on simplistic moments of triumph. The skillful, effective balance of heart and smarts helped, too.
Next up, "The Tree of Life", which Netflix should deposit in my mailbox in the next day or so. That should be an interesting one to sum up in a capsule review!