If anyone needs me, I'll be reading. Please don't need me.

If anyone needs me, I'll be reading. Please don't need me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Undercover Bond

Now here's something that really looks interesting.  The terrific movie website BirthsMoviesDeath.com (check it out!) today reported that the late mystery/thriller writer Donald Westlake, in the mid-1990's, submitted story ideas to the producers of the James Bond movies.  The two treatments- apparently variations on the same basic story idea- were ultimately rejected, and Mr. Westlake moved on.

But that wasn't the end of it.  Apparently the prolific author decided (for fun?) to turn the ideas into a novel, which for some reason he then put in a drawer.  Well, that novel will finally see the light of day in June of next year.  No longer a James Bond story, the novel is called Forever and a Death.  Cool title, isn't it?  But the story will presumably feature the same basic scenario and plot Mr. Westlake envisioned for the second Pierce Brosnan Bond film.

Fun little thing to look forward to, eh?  The cover art, which publisher Hard Case Crime has kindly made available, is certainly very nice.

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